MOOC Design 101- Week 008

Day 50. Monday quis
No Home Work #050- ...zoom out...
We will discover new dimensions. Spaces, people, building, memories. We will transform the ordinary into the extraordinary. Simple activities to put ourselves to the test. 

Me: Look at this amazing project, I'm very impressed and you?
Аз: Разгледайте този невероятен проект, много съм впечатлена а вие?


Day 51.
Home Work #051- the world of maps...
First: search for references of maps related to your city concentrating your attention on one particular place.
Second: go for a walk in your city (town / village / commune) mapping the places which are the most meaningful to you (in the way you consider most appropriate).
Third: share with us your favorite map (the reference you found) and a picture of your own map you made.

Me: The map is a copy from an old book while the photos recently made by myself during a late afternoon walk in the old Delft. The photos are taken at my favorite places for meeting friends relaxing and looking for inspirations.
Аз: Картата е копие от стара книга. Снимките са правени от мен по време на следобедна разходка в Делфт на |предпочитани от мен места за срещи с приятели, за почивка или за търсене на вдъхновение.

Photo: 100 decors

Day 52. Events In Flux
Home work #052-  ...create a box with objects taken from the city.

Me: This is not art! It's "events in flux" collection of finds which my doggie and me taken when we're walking around the city every morning :)
Аз: Това не е изкуство! Това е "events in flux"-колекция от находки, които аз и кучето ми намерихме, когато се разхождаме всяка сутрин из града :)

Photo: 100 decors

Day 53.
Home Work #053- Mirrors in Place
...share a picture of your reflections...

Photo: 100 decors

Photo: 100 decors


 Day 54.
Home Work #054- Pinhole camera will build your own pinhole camera... 

Me:...coming soon...

Day 55.
NO Home Work #055- personal plans or missions

Me: Did you know that today is Winter Solstice? Ask Wiki... ;)
Аз: Знаете ли, че днес е на- късия ден в годината ( Зимно Слънцестоене)? Попитайте  Wiki... ;)  


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