MOOC Design 101- Week 011

 Седмица #011 от проекта Design 1o1 се нарича "telling stories", чудите се какви истории си разкавзхме ли? Както се вижда по- долу, все неща които на пръв поглед не са свързани с дизайна, но всъшност всяка история носи своя дизай.

Day 71. Monday quiz
No Home Work #71-Casting the Crew
...Complete the quiz and preparing yourself for the week!...

Day 72.
 Home Work #72- Stonehenge
...Design your own story with stones and share it with us!
One image and a few words....

Me: stones balance in my mini zen garden (homework #38)...

photo @100 decors

Day 73.
 Home Work #73-Borderline
...Design your own story with metal wires...

Me: my colorful story ...
photo @100 decors
Javier Pérez stories

Day 74.
 Home Work #74- Hair your own story with hair...Chop off some of your (or anyone else's) hair and #dowhateveryouwant....
Me: Hair is my favorite movie ever, ever, everrrrr....
photo: Google

photo: Google
Day 75.
 Home Work #75-Galaxies
... you will write/design your own story with string....
Me: do you know what is this?
photo @100 decors
 ....this is my children-hood game :)

photo @100 decors

Day 76.
  NO Home Work #76- Welcome to Wonderland
...Relax and get lost in a dream-like state of mind...

Day 77.
No Home Work #77- Poetic Device
...ponder the very sensitivity of your doors to the world: your perception of things....

MOOC Design 101- Week 007- Voyage Around My Room
MOOC Design 101- Week 008- Zoom Out 
MOOC Design 101- Week 009- Making Things


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